07JanJanuary 7, 2018 By Rudy Traveling to Oaxaca We left Puerto Morelos at the end of November after four months, behind we left new friends and a great beach town. Once again, we prepared for Continue Reading→
30Sep By Rudy Museo Casa de los Venados This museum is one of a kind and we have never been or seen anything like it. Casa de los Venados is a private home/museum full of beautiful MexContinue Reading→
26SepSeptember 26, 2017 By Rudy Our visit to Valladolid What can I tell you about Valladolid to get you to go visit this Pueblo Magico? For starters, I will have to say the friendly people and the food are Continue Reading→
17Sep By Mayra Avendano Shopping at the Mercados de Artesanias If you enjoy shopping and like a good deal like I do, then the Mercados de Artesanias (Handcraft Market) is a great place to shop. With all the Continue Reading→